%0 journal article %@ 0739-0572 %A Wagner, D.,Tinz, B.,Storch, H.v. %D 2016 %J Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology %N 12 %P 2735-2741 %R doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-15-0199.1 %T Signal Stations: Newly Digitized Historical Climate Data of the German Bight and the Southern Baltic Sea Coast %U https://doi.org/10.1175/JTECH-D-15-0199.1 12 %X At the German Meteorological Service in Hamburg, handwritten journals of meteorological observation data of 164 signal stations exist that were digitized. These data contain long-term time series of up to 125 years for the period 1877–1999 and allow for studies of regional meteorological conditions with greatly improved spatial resolution. Wind and air pressure data of selected signal stations along the German Bight and the southern Baltic Sea coast show a spatial data homogeneity that allows for an improved description of two historical storms, in 1906 and 1913. This is the first presentation of signal station data.