%0 journal article %@ 0021-8898 %A Fenske, J.,Lott, D.,Tartakovskaya, E.V.,Lee, H.,LeClair, P.R.,Mankey, G.J.,Schmidt, W.,Schmalzl, K.,Klose, F.,Schreyer, A. %D 2015 %J Journal of Applied Crystallography %N 4 %P 1142-1158 %R doi:10.1107/S1600576715011462 %T Magnetic order and phase transitions in Fe50Pt50-xRhx %U https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600576715011462 4 %X Polarized and unpolarized neutron diffraction techniques have been applied to study the temperature-dependent magnetic and structural properties of four 200 nm-thick Fe50Pt50-xRhx films with x = 5, x = 10, x = 17.5 and x = 25. Similar to the bulk system, an antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic transition can be found in the films with decreasing Rh concentration. The application of structure factor calculations enables one to determine the microscopic magnetic configuration of the different films as a function of temperature and Rh concentration. The developed models indicate a magnetic transition from a dominant antiferromagnetic order in the out-of-plane direction to a dominant ferromagnetic order in the in-plane direction with decreasing Rh concentration. The different magnetic configurations can theoretically be described by a phenomenological model which includes a two-ion and a one-ion interaction Hamiltonian term with different temperature dependencies of the anisotropy constants.