%0 journal article %@ 1742-6588 %A Marschall, F.,Last, A.,Simon, M.,Kluge, M.,Nazmov, V.,Vogt, H.,Ogurreck, M.,Greving, I.,Mohr, J. %D 2014 %J Journal of Physics: Conference Series %N %P 012007 %R doi:10.1088/1742-6596/499/1/012007 %T X-ray Full Field Microscopy at 30 keV %U https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/499/1/012007 %X In our X-ray full field microscopy experiments, we demonstrated a resolution better than 260 nm over the entire field of view of 80 μm × 80 μm at 30 keV. Our experimental setup at PETRA III, P05, had a length of about 5 m consisting of an illumination optics, an imaging lens and a detector. For imaging, we used a compound refractive lens (CLR) consisting of mr-L negative photo resist, which was fabricated by deep X-ray lithography. As illumination optics, we choose a refractive rolled X-ray prism lens, which was adapted to the numerical aperture of the imaging lens.