%0 journal article %@ 1616-5187 %A Wischke, C.,Neffe, A.T.,Steuer, S.,Engelhardt, E.,Lendlein, A. %D 2010 %J Macromolecular Bioscience %N 9 %P 1063-1072 %R doi:10.1002/mabi.201000089 %T AB-polymer Networks with Cooligoester and Poly(Eta-butyl acrylate) Segments as a Multifunctional Matrix for Controlled Drug Release %U https://doi.org/10.1002/mabi.201000089 9 %X Semi-crystalline AB-copolymer networks from oligo[(ε-caprolactone)-co-glycolide]dimethacrylates and n-butylacrylate have recently been shown to exhibit a shape-memory functionality, which may be used for self-deploying and anchoring of implants. In this study, a family of such materials differing in their molar glycolide contents χG was investigated to determine structure–property functional relationships of unloaded and drug loaded specimens. Drug loading and release were evaluated, as well as their degradation behavior in vitro and in vivo. Higher χG resulted in higher loading levels by swelling and a faster release of ethacridine lactate, lower melting temperature of polymer crystallites, and a decrease in shape fixity ratio of the programmed temporary shape. For unloaded networks, the material behavior in vivo was independent of the mechanical load associated with different implantation sites and agreed well with data from in vitro degradation studies. Thus, AB networks could be used as novel matrices for biofunctional implants, e.g., for urogenital applications, which can self-anchor in vivo and provide mechanical support, release drugs, and finally degrade in the body to excretable fragments.