%0 journal article %@ 0947-6539 %A Schoeps, D.,Buhr, K.,Dijkstra, M.,Ebert, K.,Plenio, H. %D 2009 %J Chemistry - A European Journal %N 12 %P 2960-2965 %R doi:10.1002/chem.200802153 %T Batchwise and Continuous Organophilic Nanofiltration of Grubbs-Type Olefin Metathesis Catalysts %U https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.200802153 12 %X A mass-tagged N-mesityl imidazolinium salt with four additional -CH2NCy2 substituents was synthesized, leading to a molecular mass of nearly 1100 g mol-1 in the corresponding carbene ligand. This mass-tagged ligand was used to generate the respective Grubbs II and Grubbs-Hoveyda type complexes. The catalytic activity of the latter complex was tested in several olefin metathesis reactions and found to be slightly superior to that of the related N-mesityl based complex. In batchwise solvent resistant nanofiltration experiments the ruthenium complex dissolved in toluene and following a metathesis reactions was efficiently retained (>99.8 %) by a single nanofiltration; the permeate contained less than 4 ppm of Ru. Equally efficient catalyst retention was observed in a membrane reactor utilized for the continuous synthesis of a RCM product.