%0 journal article %@ 0953-8984 %A Qin, Y.,Tyson, T.A.,Pranzas, P.K.,Eckerlebe, H. %D 2008 %J Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter %N 19 %P 195209 %R doi:10.1088/0953-8984/20/19/195209 %T Observation of ferromagnetic clusters in Bi0.125Ca0.875MnO3 %U https://doi.org/10.1088/0953-8984/20/19/195209 19 %X The electron doped manganite system, Bi0.125Ca0.875MnO3, exhibits large bulk magnetization of unknown origin. To select amongst possible magnetic ordering models, we have conducted temperature and magnetic field dependent small-angle neutron scattering measurements. Non-trivial spin structure has been revealed. Ferromagnetic spin clusters form in the antiferromagnetic background when temperature is decreased to Tc~108 K. With a further reduction in temperature or the application of external magnetic field, the clusters begin to form in larger numbers, which gives an overall enhancement of magnetization below Tc.