@misc{shaw_a_us_2024, author={Shaw, W.J.,Kidder, M.K.,Bare, S.R.,Delferro, M.,Morris, J.R.,Toma, F.M.,Senanayake, S.D.,Autrey, T.,Biddinger, E.J.,Boettcher, S.,Bowden, M.E.,Britt, P.F.,Brown, R.C.,Bullock, R.M.,Chen, J.G.,Daniel, C.,Dorhout, P.K.,Efroymson, R.A.,Gaffney, K.J.,Gagliardi, L.,Harper, A.S.,Heldebrant, D.J.,Luca, O.R.,Lyubovsky, M.,Male, J.L.,Miller, D.J.,Prozorov, T.,Rallo, R.,Rana, R.,Rioux, R.M.,Sadow, A.D.,Schaidle, J. A.,Schulte, L.A.,Tarpeh, W.A.,Vlachos, D.G.,Vogt, B.D.,Weber, R.S.,Yang, J.Y.,Arenholz, E.,Helms, B.A.,Huang, W.,Jordahl, J.L.,Karakaya, C.,Kian, K.,Kothandaraman, J.,Lercher, J.,Liu, P.,Malhotra, D.,Mueller, K.T.,O’Brien, C.P.,Palomino, R.M.,Qi, L.,Rodriguez, J.A.,Rousseau, R.,Russell, J.C.,Sarazen, M.L.,Sholl, D.S.,Smith, E.A.,Stevens, M.B.,Surendranath, Y.,Tassone, C.J.,Tran, B.,Tumas, W.,Walton, K.S.}, title={A US perspective on closing the carbon cycle to defossilize difficult-to-electrify segments of our economy}, year={2024}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1038/s41570-024-00587-1}, abstract = {Electrification to reduce or eliminate greenhouse gas emissions is essential to mitigate climate change. However, a substantial portion of our manufacturing and transportation infrastructure will be difficult to electrify and/or will continue to use carbon as a key component, including areas in aviation, heavy-duty and marine transportation, and the chemical industry. In this Roadmap, we explore how multidisciplinary approaches will enable us to close the carbon cycle and create a circular economy by defossilizing these difficult-to-electrify areas and those that will continue to need carbon. We discuss two approaches for this: developing carbon alternatives and improving our ability to reuse carbon, enabled by separations. Furthermore, we posit that co-design and use-driven fundamental science are essential to reach aggressive greenhouse gas reduction targets.}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.1038/s41570-024-00587-1} (DOI). Shaw, W.; Kidder, M.; Bare, S.; Delferro, M.; Morris, J.; Toma, F.; Senanayake, S.; Autrey, T.; Biddinger, E.; Boettcher, S.; Bowden, M.; Britt, P.; Brown, R.; Bullock, R.; Chen, J.; Daniel, C.; Dorhout, P.; Efroymson, R.; Gaffney, K.; Gagliardi, L.; Harper, A.; Heldebrant, D.; Luca, O.; Lyubovsky, M.; Male, J.; Miller, D.; Prozorov, T.; Rallo, R.; Rana, R.; Rioux, R.; Sadow, A.; Schaidle, J.; Schulte, L.; Tarpeh, W.; Vlachos, D.; Vogt, B.; Weber, R.; Yang, J.; Arenholz, E.; Helms, B.; Huang, W.; Jordahl, J.; Karakaya, C.; Kian, K.; Kothandaraman, J.; Lercher, J.; Liu, P.; Malhotra, D.; Mueller, K.; O’Brien, C.; Palomino, R.; Qi, L.; Rodriguez, J.; Rousseau, R.; Russell, J.; Sarazen, M.; Sholl, D.; Smith, E.; Stevens, M.; Surendranath, Y.; Tassone, C.; Tran, B.; Tumas, W.; Walton, K.: A US perspective on closing the carbon cycle to defossilize difficult-to-electrify segments of our economy. Nature Reviews Chemistry. 2024. vol. 8, 376-400. DOI: 10.1038/s41570-024-00587-1}}