@misc{gabrisch_elastic_properties_2023, author={Gabrisch, H.,Janovska, M.,Rackel, M.W.,Pyczak, F.,Stark, A.}, title={Elastic properties and microstructure in a gamma-TiAl alloy alloyed with niobium}, year={2023}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Wien (AUT); 02.07.2023 - 07.07.2023}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Gabrisch, H.; Janovska, M.; Rackel, M.; Pyczak, F.; Stark, A.: Elastic properties and microstructure in a gamma-TiAl alloy alloyed with niobium. Thermec 2023. Wien (AUT), 2023.}}