@misc{steglich_strength_and_2023, author={Steglich, D.,Besson, J.,Reinke, I.,Helmholz, H.,Luczak, M.,Garamus, V.M.,Wiese, B.,Höche, D.,Cyron, C.J.,Willumeit-Römer, R.}, title={Strength and Ductility Loss of Magnesium-Gadolinium due to Corrosion in Physiological Environment}, year={2023}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Berlin (DEU); 15.11.2023 - 15.11.2023}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Steglich, D.; Besson, J.; Reinke, I.; Helmholz, H.; Luczak, M.; Garamus, V.; Wiese, B.; Höche, D.; Cyron, C.; Willumeit-Römer, R.: Strength and Ductility Loss of Magnesium-Gadolinium due to Corrosion in Physiological Environment. Microstructural Mechanics meeting within the DGM expert committee Modelling, Simulation and Data. Berlin (DEU), 2023.}}