@misc{rmerscheid_prioritization_of_2023, author={Römerscheid, M. and Lips, S.,Hildebrandt, L.,Schmitt-Jansen, M.,Pröfrock, D.,Jahnke, A.}, title={Prioritization of consumer plastics for further testing based on artificial weathering combined with bioanalytical and chemical screening}, year={2023}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Dublin (IRL); 30.04.2023 - 04.05.2023}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Römerscheid, M.; Hildebrandt, L.; Schmitt-Jansen, M.; Pröfrock, D.; Jahnke, A.: Prioritization of consumer plastics for further testing based on artificial weathering combined with bioanalytical and chemical screening. SETAC Europe 2023. Dublin (IRL), 2023.}}