@misc{gerrit_improving_the_2022, author={Gerrit, K.,Jo, S.,Özkaya, F.,Bohlen, J.,Hübner, S.,Behrens, B.}, title={Improving the forming behavior and the precipitation hardness of the ductile Magnesium alloy ZAX210 by TRC}, year={2022}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Darmstadt (DEU); 27.09.2022 - 29.09.2022}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Gerrit, K.; Jo, S.; Özkaya, F.; Bohlen, J.; Hübner, S.; Behrens, B.: Improving the forming behavior and the precipitation hardness of the ductile Magnesium alloy ZAX210 by TRC. Materials Science and Engineering MSE Congress. Darmstadt (DEU), 2022.}}