@misc{vandam_calcificationdriven_co2_2021, author={Van Dam, B.,Zeller, M.,Lopes, C.,Smyth, A.,Böttcher, M.,Osburn, C.,Zimmerman, T.,Pröfrock, D.,Fourqurean, J.,Thomas, H.}, title={Calcification-driven CO2 emissions exceed “Blue Carbon” sequestration in a carbonate seagrass meadow}, year={2021}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abj1372}, abstract = {Long-term “Blue Carbon” burial in seagrass meadows is complicated by other carbon and alkalinity exchanges that shape net carbon sequestration. We measured a suite of such processes, including denitrification, sulfur, and inorganic carbon cycling, and assessed their impact on air-water CO2 exchange in a typical seagrass meadow underlain by carbonate sediments. Eddy covariance measurements reveal a consistent source of CO2 to the atmosphere at an average rate of 610 ± 990 μmol m−2 hour−1 during our study and 700 ± 660 μmol m−2 hour−1 (6.1 mol m−2 year−1) over an annual cycle. Net alkalinity consumption by ecosystem calcification explains >95% of the observed CO2 emissions, far exceeding organic carbon burial and anaerobic alkalinity generation. We argue that the net carbon sequestration potential of seagrass meadows may be overestimated if calcification-induced CO2 emissions are not accounted for, especially in regions where calcification rates exceed net primary production and burial.}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abj1372} (DOI). Van Dam, B.; Zeller, M.; Lopes, C.; Smyth, A.; Böttcher, M.; Osburn, C.; Zimmerman, T.; Pröfrock, D.; Fourqurean, J.; Thomas, H.: Calcification-driven CO2 emissions exceed “Blue Carbon” sequestration in a carbonate seagrass meadow. Science Advances. 2021. vol. 7, no. 51, eabj1372. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abj1372}}