@misc{turk_b2_order_2014, author={Turk, C.,Kellezi, G.,Leitner, H.,Staron, P.,Gan, W.,Clemens, H.,Primig, S.}, title={B2 order transformation in a Fe - 25 at% Co - 9 at% Mo alloy}, year={2014}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1557/opl.2015.117}, abstract = {The ternary system Fe - 25 at% Co - 9 at% Mo shows an age hardening behavior similar to aluminum alloys. After solution annealing followed by rapid quenching, the Fe-Co-matrix is hardened during subsequent aging through precipitation of the intermetallic μ-phase (Fe,Co)7Mo6. In aged condition the entire Mo content is present in coarse primary and fine μ-phase particles and, therefore, the matrix consists exclusively of 71 at% Fe and 29 at% Co. The binary system Fe-Co shows a transformation from the disordered bcc structure to the ordered B2 structure between 25 and 72 at% Co at a critical ordering temperature ranging from room temperature to 723°C. As a consequence, the remaining overaged matrix in the Fe - 25 at% Co - 9 at% Mo system should also show such a transition. However, an ordered phase is brittle and, thus, not wanted for many applications. Better mechanical properties in terms of ductility can be achieved with a partially or fully disordered phase. Such a state can be obtained by rapid quenching from temperatures above the critical ordering temperature. In this study such an approach was implemented on the ternary Fe - 25 at% Co - 9 at% Mo alloy. The effect of different cooling rates on the mechanical properties was investigated by means of hardness testing. The actual ordering transition of the Fe - 29 at% Co matrix was determined with differential scanning calorimetry and neutron diffraction.}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.1557/opl.2015.117} (DOI). Turk, C.; Kellezi, G.; Leitner, H.; Staron, P.; Gan, W.; Clemens, H.; Primig, S.: B2 order transformation in a Fe - 25 at% Co - 9 at% Mo alloy. MRS Online Proceedings Library. 2014. vol. 1760, 175-180. DOI: 10.1557/opl.2015.117}}