@misc{xu_superior_fatigue_2021, author={Xu, P.,Pyczak, F.,Limberg, W.,Willumeit-Römer, R.,Ebel, T.}, title={Superior fatigue endurance exempt from high processing cleanliness of Metal-Injection-Molded β Ti-Nb-Zr for bio-tolerant applications}, year={2021}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2021.110141}, abstract = {Technically optimizing the processing cleanliness of Metal-Injection-Molded titanium alloys (Ti-MIM) is not economically feasible. This problem is common in the materials processing field. In the search for an alternative approach, the work tries to achieve superior high-cycle fatigue (HCF) performance while tolerating very high impurity levels. The concept arose from the large tolerance of β-class Ti-alloys for oxygen-solutes and the feasibility to mitigate detrimental effects of carbide-inclusions, under monotonous loading. In this paper, MIM β Ti-Nb-Zr biomaterials for fatigue-critical applications were deliberately produced with very high O-level and normal/very high C-levels. The impurity-resistant Ti-biomaterials exhibit superior HCF endurance limits beyond 600 MPa irrespective of processing cleanliness, being significantly higher than those of the α-β Ti-reference alloys produced with tight restrictions on impurity levels. This superior fatigue performance while tolerating amounts of impurities stems from the “weak”-microstructural features insensitive to impurities and increased resistance of the Ti-matrix against fatigue small-cracks. Furthermore, a conditional fatigue duality triggered by two competing mechanisms of crack initiation in certain cases, initiating at microscale pore α-platelets and at large pore TiC-inclusions can occur. The success of the present alloy-process development might greatly relax the processing demands for active metals.}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2021.110141} (DOI). Xu, P.; Pyczak, F.; Limberg, W.; Willumeit-Römer, R.; Ebel, T.: Superior fatigue endurance exempt from high processing cleanliness of Metal-Injection-Molded β Ti-Nb-Zr for bio-tolerant applications. Materials & Design. 2021. vol. 211, 110141. DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2021.110141}}