@misc{mojsilovi_zeolitecontaining_photocatalysts_2021, author={Mojsilović, K.,Božović, N.,Stojanović, S.,Damjanović-Vasilić, L.,Serdechnova, M.,Blawert, C.,Zheludkevich, M.L.,Stojadinović, S.,Vasilić, R.}, title={Zeolite-containing photocatalysts immobilized on aluminum support by plasma electrolytic oxidation}, year={2021}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfin.2021.101307}, abstract = {The preparation and properties of zeolite-containing oxide coatings obtained by plasma electrolytic oxidation are investigated and discussed. Pure and Ce-exchanged natural (clinoptilolite) and synthetic (13X) zeolites are immobilized on aluminum support from silicate-based electrolyte. Obtained coatings are characterized with respect to their morphology, phase and chemical composition, photocatalytic activity and anti-corrosion properties. It is observed that all mentioned properties of obtained coatings are dependent on processing time and type of immobilized zeolite. Coatings with Ce-exchanged zeolite show higher photocatalytic activity and more effective corrosion protection than those with pure zeolite. The highest photocatalytic activity is observed for coatings processed in a pulsed DC regime for 30 min containing Ce-exchanged 13X zeolite, followed by those containing Ce-exchanged clinoptilolite. Pronounced anti-corrosion properties feature almost all samples containing Ce-exchanged 13X zeolite.}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfin.2021.101307} (DOI). Mojsilović, K.; Božović, N.; Stojanović, S.; Damjanović-Vasilić, L.; Serdechnova, M.; Blawert, C.; Zheludkevich, M.; Stojadinović, S.; Vasilić, R.: Zeolite-containing photocatalysts immobilized on aluminum support by plasma electrolytic oxidation. Surfaces and Interfaces. 2021. vol. 26, 101307. DOI: 10.1016/j.surfin.2021.101307}}