@misc{liu_twolevel_shape_2017, author={Liu, Y.,Razzaq, M.,Rudolph, T.,Kratz, K.,Lendlein, A.}, title={Two-level shape changes of polymeric microcuboids prepared from crystallizable copolymer networks}, year={2017}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Karlsruhe (DEU); 26.06.2017 - 28.06.2017}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Liu, Y.; Razzaq, M.; Rudolph, T.; Kratz, K.; Lendlein, A.: Two-level shape changes of polymeric microcuboids prepared from crystallizable copolymer networks. BIFTM PhD Symposium - BioInterfaces in Technology and Medicine. Karlsruhe (DEU), 2017.}}