@misc{deng_corrosion_and_2020, author={Deng, M.,Wang, L.,Höche, D.,Lamaka, S.,Snihirova, D.,Jiang, P.,Zheludkevich, M.}, title={Corrosion and discharge properties of Ca/Ge micro-alloyed Mg anodes for primary aqueous Mg batteries}, year={2020}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.corsci.2020.108958}, abstract = {Ge is evaluated as a micro-alloying element for newly-developed Mg-Ca anodes. The combination of Ca/Ge is effective for suppressing cathodic HER kinetics, resulting in highly negative OCP and a low corrosion rate (0.2 mm y–1). For air battery, Mg-0.1 %Ca-0.1 %Ge (wt%) anode exhibits similar voltage to Mg-0.1 %Ca in NaCl solution, but the highly negative OCP enables it with enhanced voltage in salicylate-containing electrolyte (1.7 V at 1 mA cm–2 versus 1.63 V of Mg-0.1 %Ca). Beside, all micro-alloyed Mg-Ca, Mg-Ge and Mg-Ca-Ge anodes show similar self-discharge rates and high utilization efficiency (∼60 % at 10 mA cm–2).}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.corsci.2020.108958} (DOI). Deng, M.; Wang, L.; Höche, D.; Lamaka, S.; Snihirova, D.; Jiang, P.; Zheludkevich, M.: Corrosion and discharge properties of Ca/Ge micro-alloyed Mg anodes for primary aqueous Mg batteries. Corrosion Science. 2020. vol. 177, 108958. DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2020.108958}}