@misc{gawlik_impact_of_2019, author={Gawlik, M.M.,Ebel, T.,Willumeit-Roemer, R.,Wiese, B.}, title={Impact of etching on the degradation of Mg-Gd alloys}, year={2019}, howpublished = {conference object: Alicante (E); 25.-30.08.2019}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Gawlik, M.; Ebel, T.; Willumeit-Roemer, R.; Wiese, B.: Impact of etching on the degradation of Mg-Gd alloys. Abstract Book, 11th Symposium on Biodegradable Metals, Biometal 2019. Alicante (E), 2019.}}