@misc{karge_creep_deformation_2018, author={Karge, L.,Gilles, R.,Mukherji, D.,Stark, A.,Beran, P.,Schell, N.,Hofmann, M.,Strunz, P.,Haeusler, J.,Roesler, J}, title={Creep deformation of Co-Re-Ta-C alloys with varying C content–investigated in-situ by simultaneous synchrotron radiation diffraction}, year={2018}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2018.02.009}, abstract = {The creep deformation of precipitation hardened Co-Re-Ta-C alloys is investigated during in-situ synchrotron diffraction experiment at 1373 K. At room temperature, the alloys have a structure consisting of ϵ-Co (hcp) and metastably retained γ-Co (fcc) and are strengthened by precipitates of the mono-carbide of Ta, which are finely dispersed in the alloy matrix. The alloy exhibits an allotropic ϵ→γ-Co phase transformation when heating to >1173K. A lower C content in the alloy generally promotes this transformation. It is shown that this transformation is strongly influenced by application of compressive load. The transformation ϵ→γ-Co at high temperature under load leads to microstructure refinement and subsequently to dissolution of hardening precipitates. This results in a considerable acceleration of the creep rate. Further, the equilibrium ratio of γ/ϵ-Co phase is significantly altered under compressive load. This behavior is attributed to a volume relaxation as the ϵ- and γ-Co phase have different unit cell volumes.}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2018.02.009} (DOI). Karge, L.; Gilles, R.; Mukherji, D.; Stark, A.; Beran, P.; Schell, N.; Hofmann, M.; Strunz, P.; Haeusler, J.; Roesler, J.: Creep deformation of Co-Re-Ta-C alloys with varying C content–investigated in-situ by simultaneous synchrotron radiation diffraction. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2018. vol. 719, 124-131. DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2018.02.009}}