@misc{burkhardt_development_of_2018, author={Burkhardt, I.,Ventzke, V.,Riekehr, S.,Kashaev, N.,Enz, J.}, title={Development of an optimised shielding strategy for laser beam welding of Ti6Al2Sn4Zr2Mo}, year={2018}, howpublished = {conference paper: Paris (F); 08.-13.07.2018}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Burkhardt, I.; Ventzke, V.; Riekehr, S.; Kashaev, N.; Enz, J.: Development of an optimised shielding strategy for laser beam welding of Ti6Al2Sn4Zr2Mo. In: Shabadi, R.; Ionescu, M.; Jeandin, M.; Richard, C.; Chandra, T. (Ed.): Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials, THERMEC 2018. Paris (F). 2018. 1404.}}