@misc{kotova_a_new_2018, author={Kotova, L.,Aniskevich, S.,Bobylev, L.,Caluwaerts, S.,De Cruz, L.,De Troch, R.,Gnatiuk, N.,Gobin, A.,Hamdi, R.,Sakalli, A.,Sirin, A.,Termonia, P.,Top, S.,Schaeybroeck, B.van,Viksna, A.}, title={A new project AFTER investigates the impacts of climate change in the Europe-Russia-Turkey region}, year={2018}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cliser.2018.11.003}, abstract = {A new research project AFTER “Impacts of climate change and cli-,mateextremesonAgricultureandForestryintheEurope-Russia-Turkey,Region” started in 2018. It was designed to bridge the gap between,supplyanddemandofstate-of-the-artclimateinformationtoassessthe,impact of changing climate on agriculture and forestry.}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cliser.2018.11.003} (DOI). Kotova, L.; Aniskevich, S.; Bobylev, L.; Caluwaerts, S.; De Cruz, L.; De Troch, R.; Gnatiuk, N.; Gobin, A.; Hamdi, R.; Sakalli, A.; Sirin, A.; Termonia, P.; Top, S.; Schaeybroeck, B.; Viksna, A.: A new project AFTER investigates the impacts of climate change in the Europe-Russia-Turkey region. Climate Services. 2018. vol. 12, 64-66. DOI: 10.1016/j.cliser.2018.11.003}}