@misc{mueller_the_assessment_2016, author={Mueller, D.,Krasemann, H.,Zuehlke, M.,Doerffer, R.,Brockmann, C.,Steinmetz, F.,Valente, A.,Brotas, V.,Grant, M.G.,Sathyendranath, S.,Melin, F.,Franz, B.A.,Mazeran, C.,Regner, P.}, title={The Assessment of Atmospheric Correction Processors for MERIS Based on In-Situ Measurements - Updates in OC-CCI Round Robin}, year={2016}, howpublished = {conference poster: Prag (CZ); 09.-13.05.2016}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Mueller, D.; Krasemann, H.; Zuehlke, M.; Doerffer, R.; Brockmann, C.; Steinmetz, F.; Valente, A.; Brotas, V.; Grant, M.; Sathyendranath, S.; Melin, F.; Franz, B.; Mazeran, C.; Regner, P.: The Assessment of Atmospheric Correction Processors for MERIS Based on In-Situ Measurements - Updates in OC-CCI Round Robin. In: Living Planet Symposium 2016. Prag (CZ). 2016.}}