@misc{chakkedath_insitu_ebsd_2016, author={Chakkedath, A.,Hernandez Escobar, D.,Bohlen, J.,Yi, S.,Letzig, D.,Boehlert, C.}, title={In-Situ EBSD Observations of Recrystallization and Texture Evolution in Rolled Mg-2Zn-xCe (wt.%)}, year={2016}, howpublished = {conference paper: Nashville, TN (USA); 14.-18.02.2016}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119274803.ch47}, abstract = {This chapter indicates that wrought magnesium (Mg) alloys are attractive for automotive applications where light weighting is critical. For electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analysis, ∼10 mm wide and ∼15 mm long samples were cut from the sheet material using a diamond saw. One of the sample surfaces was mechanically polished and then electropolished using a mixture of 30% Nitric acid and 70% Methanol as electrolyte. EBSD analysis was performed while the sample was kept at a desired temperature. A thermocouple was spot welded to the sample surface to monitor the temperature. Both as‐rolled materials exhibited a basal texture in which the c‐axis tends to align perpendicular to the rolling direction. Grain boundaries with orientation relationships corresponding to {10 2} extension twinning (86° about <11 0>), {10 1} contraction twinning (56° about <11 0>), and (10 2)‐(01 2) extension double twin (60° about <10 0>) were observed. This was expected to be due to the recovery and growth of the twins formed during the rolling process.}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119274803.ch47} (DOI). Chakkedath, A.; Hernandez Escobar, D.; Bohlen, J.; Yi, S.; Letzig, D.; Boehlert, C.: In-Situ EBSD Observations of Recrystallization and Texture Evolution in Rolled Mg-2Zn-xCe (wt.%). In: Singh, A.; Solanki, K.; Manuel, M.; Neelameggham, N. (Ed.): Magnesium Technology 2016, TMS 2016 Supplemental Proceedings, 145th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, TMS 2016. Nashville, TN (USA). John Wiley & Sons. 2016. 237-238. DOI: 10.1002/9781119274803.ch47}}