@misc{difabio_the_life_2016, author={Di Fabio, J.,Chodankar, S.,Pjerov, S.,Jakoncic, J.,Lucas, M.,Krywka, C.,Graziano, V.,Yang, L.}, title={The life science x-ray scattering beamline at NSLS-II}, year={2016}, howpublished = {conference paper: New York, NY (USA); 06.-10.07.2015}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4952872}, abstract = {We report the current development status of the High Brightness X-ray Scattering for Life Sciences (or Life Science X-ray Scattering, LiX) beamline at the NSLS-II facility of Brookhaven National Laboratory. This instrument will operate in the x-ray energy range of 2.1-18 keV, provide variable beam sizes from 1 micron to ∼0.5 mm, and support user experiments in three scientific areas: (1) high-throughput solution scattering, in-line size exclusion chromatography and flow mixers-based time-resolved solution scattering of biological macro-molecules, (2) diffraction from single- and multi-layered lipid membranes, and (3) scattering-based scanning probe imaging of biological tissues. In order to satisfy the beam stability required for these experiments and to switch rapidly between different types of experiments, we have adopted a secondary source with refractive lenses for secondary focusing, a detector system consisting of three Pilatus detectors, and specialized experimental modules that can be quickly exchanged and each dedicated to a defined set of experiments. The construction of this beamline is on schedule for completion in September 2015. User experiments are expected to start in Spring 2016.}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4952872} (DOI). Di Fabio, J.; Chodankar, S.; Pjerov, S.; Jakoncic, J.; Lucas, M.; Krywka, C.; Graziano, V.; Yang, L.: The life science x-ray scattering beamline at NSLS-II. In: Shen, Q.; Nelson, C. (Ed.): AIP Conference Proceedings, 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE oN SYNCHROTRON RADIATION INSTRUMENTATION, SRI 2015. New York, NY (USA). 2016. 030049. DOI: 10.1063/1.4952872}}