@misc{alvarez_laser_beam_2017, author={Alvarez, P.,Zubiri, F.,Froend, M.,Fomin, F.,Riekehr, S.,Bauer, S.}, title={Laser beam welding and straightening of titanium T-joints for aircraft structures}, year={2017}, howpublished = {conference object: Muenchen (D); 26.-29.06.2017}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Alvarez, P.; Zubiri, F.; Froend, M.; Fomin, F.; Riekehr, S.; Bauer, S.: Laser beam welding and straightening of titanium T-joints for aircraft structures. Book of Abstracts, Lasers in Manufacturing Conference, LiM 2017. Muenchen (D), 2017.}}