@misc{hanousek_the_performance_2016, author={Hanousek, O.,Brunner, M.,Proefrock, D.,Irrgeher, J.,Prohaska, T.}, title={The performance of single and multi-collector ICP-MS instruments for fast and reliable 34S/32S isotope ratio measurements}, year={2016}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1039/C6AY02177H}, abstract = {The performance and validation characteristics of different single collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometers based on different technical principles (ICP-SFMS, ICP-QMS in reaction and collision modes, and ICP-MS/MS) were evaluated in comparison to the performance of MC ICP-MS for fast and reliable S isotope ratio measurements. The validation included the determination of LOD, BEC, measurement repeatability, within-lab reproducibility and deviation from certified values as well as a study on instrumental isotopic fractionation (IIF) and the calculation of the combined standard measurement uncertainty. Different approaches of correction for IIF applying external intra-elemental IIF correction (aka standard-sample bracketing) using certified S reference materials and internal inter-elemental IIF (aka internal standardization) correction using Si isotope ratios in MC ICP-MS are explained and compared. The resulting combined standard uncertainties of examined ICP-QMS systems were not better than 0.3–0.5% (uc,rel), which is in general insufficient to differentiate natural S isotope variations. Although the performance of the single collector ICP-SFMS is better (single measurement uc,rel = 0.08%), the measurement reproducibility (>0.2%) is the major limit of this system and leaves room for improvement. MC ICP-MS operated in the edge mass resolution mode, applying bracketing for correction of IIF, provided isotope ratio values with the highest quality (relative combined measurement uncertainty: 0.02%; deviation from the certified value: <0.002%).}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.1039/C6AY02177H} (DOI). Hanousek, O.; Brunner, M.; Proefrock, D.; Irrgeher, J.; Prohaska, T.: The performance of single and multi-collector ICP-MS instruments for fast and reliable 34S/32S isotope ratio measurements. Analytical Methods. 2016. vol. 8, no. 42, 7661-7672. DOI: 10.1039/C6AY02177H}}