@misc{cao_transition_and_2017, author={Cao, H.,Guo, J.,Chang, F.,Pistidda, C.,Zhou, W.,Zhang, X.,Santoru, A.,Wu, H.,Schell, N.,Niewa, R.,Chen, P.,Klassen, T.,Dornheim, M.}, title={Transition and Alkali Metal Complex Ternary Amides for Ammonia Synthesis and Decomposition}, year={2017}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.201702728}, abstract = {A new complex ternary amide, Rb2[Mn(NH2)4], which simultaneously contains both transition and alkali metal catalytic sites, is developed. This is in line with the recently reported TM-LiH composite catalysts, which have been shown to effectively break the scaling relations and achieve ammonia synthesis under mild conditions. Rb2[Mn(NH2)4] can be facilely synthesized by mechanochemical reaction at room temperature. It exhibits two temperature-dependent polymorphs, that is, a low-temperature orthorhombic and a high-temperature monoclinic structure. Rb2[Mn(NH2)4] decomposes to N2, H2, NH3, Mn3N2, and RbNH2 under inert atmosphere; whereas it releases NH3 at a temperature as low as 80 °C under H2 atmosphere. Those unique behaviors enable Rb2[Mn(NH2)4], and its analogue K2[Mn(NH2)4], to be excellent catalytic materials for ammonia decomposition and synthesis. Experimental results show both ammonia decomposition onset temperatures and conversion rates over Rb2[Mn(NH2)4] and K2[Mn(NH2)4] are similar to those of noble metal Ru-based catalysts. More importantly, these ternary amides exhibit superior capabilities in catalyzing NH3 synthesis, which are more than 3 orders of magnitude higher than that of Mn nitride and twice of that of Ru/MgO. The in situ SR-PXD measurement shows that manganese nitride, synergistic with Rb/KH or Rb/K(NH2)xH1−x, are likely the active sites. The chemistry of Rb2/K2[Mn(NH2)x] and Rb/K(NH2)xH1−x with H2/N2 and NH3 correlates closely with the catalytic performance.}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.201702728} (DOI). Cao, H.; Guo, J.; Chang, F.; Pistidda, C.; Zhou, W.; Zhang, X.; Santoru, A.; Wu, H.; Schell, N.; Niewa, R.; Chen, P.; Klassen, T.; Dornheim, M.: Transition and Alkali Metal Complex Ternary Amides for Ammonia Synthesis and Decomposition. Chemistry - A European Journal. 2017. vol. 23, no. 41, 9766-9771. DOI: 10.1002/chem.201702728}}