@misc{zimmer_polarized_proton_2016, author={Zimmer, O.,Jouve, H.M.,Stuhrmann, H.B.}, title={Polarized proton spin density images the tyrosyl radical locations in bovine liver catalase}, year={2016}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1107/S205225251601054X}, abstract = {A tyrosyl radical, as part of the amino acid chain of bovine liver catalase, supports dynamic proton spin polarization (DNP). Finding the position of the tyrosyl radical within the macromolecule relies on the accumulation of proton polarization close to it, which is readily observed by polarized neutron scattering. The nuclear scattering amplitude due to the polarization of protons less than 10 Å distant from the tyrosyl radical is ten times larger than the amplitude of magnetic neutron scattering from an unpaired polarized electron of the same radical. The direction of DNP was inverted every 5 s, and the initial evolution of the intensity of polarized neutron scattering after each inversion was used to identify those tyrosines which have assumed a radical state. Three radical sites, all of them close to the molecular centre and the haem, appear to be equally possible. Among these is tyr-369, the radical state of which had previously been proven by electron paramagnetic resonance.}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.1107/S205225251601054X} (DOI). Zimmer, O.; Jouve, H.; Stuhrmann, H.: Polarized proton spin density images the tyrosyl radical locations in bovine liver catalase. IUCrJ - International Union of Crystallography. 2016. vol. 3, no. 5, 326-340. DOI: 10.1107/S205225251601054X}}