@misc{wu_magnesium_and_2016, author={Wu, L.,Feyerabend, F.,Schilling, A.,Willumeit-Roemer, R.,Luthringer, B.}, title={Magnesium and its effect on human osteoclasts and osteoblasts differentiation}, year={2016}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Rom (I); 23.-24.06.2016}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Wu, L.; Feyerabend, F.; Schilling, A.; Willumeit-Roemer, R.; Luthringer, B.: Magnesium and its effect on human osteoclasts and osteoblasts differentiation. Magnesium in Health and Disease, 14. International Magnesium Symposium. Rom (I), 2016.}}