@misc{schroeder_industryrelevant_magnetron_2015, author={Schroeder, J.L.,Thomson, W.,Howard, B.,Schell, N.,Naeslund, L.-A.,Rogstroem, L.,Johansson-Joesaar, M.P.,Ghafoor, N.,Oden, M.,Nothnagel, E.,Shepard, A.,Greer, J.,Birch, J.}, title={Industry-relevant magnetron sputtering and cathodic arc ultra-high vacuum deposition system for in situ x-ray diffraction studies of thin film growth using high energy synchrotron radiation}, year={2015}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4930243}, abstract = {We present an industry-relevant, large-scale, ultra-high vacuum (UHV) magnetron sputtering and cathodic arc deposition system purposefully designed for time-resolved in situ thin film deposition/annealing studies using high-energy (>50 keV), high photon flux (>1012 ph/s) synchrotron radiation. The high photon flux, combined with a fast-acquisition-time (<1 s) two-dimensional (2D) detector, permits time-resolved in situ structural analysis of thin film formation processes. The high-energy synchrotron-radiation based x-rays result in small scattering angles (<11°), allowing large areas of reciprocal space to be imaged with a 2D detector. The system has been designed for use on the 1-tonne, ultra-high load, high-resolution hexapod at the P07 High Energy Materials Science beamline at PETRA III at the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron in Hamburg, Germany. The deposition system includes standard features of a typical UHV deposition system plus a range of special features suited for synchrotron radiation studies and industry-relevant processes. We openly encourage the materials research community to contact us for collaborative opportunities using this unique and versatile scientific instrument.}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4930243} (DOI). Schroeder, J.; Thomson, W.; Howard, B.; Schell, N.; Naeslund, L.; Rogstroem, L.; Johansson-Joesaar, M.; Ghafoor, N.; Oden, M.; Nothnagel, E.; Shepard, A.; Greer, J.; Birch, J.: Industry-relevant magnetron sputtering and cathodic arc ultra-high vacuum deposition system for in situ x-ray diffraction studies of thin film growth using high energy synchrotron radiation. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2015. vol. 86, no. 9, 095113. DOI: 10.1063/1.4930243}}