@misc{charyeva_resorption_of_2015, author={Charyeva, O.,Feyerabend, F.,Willumeit, R.,Szakacs, G.,Cecchinato, F.,Agha, N.A.,Hort, N.,Wennerberg, A.,Dakischew, O.,Heiss, C.,Schnettler, R.,Lips, K.S.}, title={Resorption of magnesium materials and its effect on human mesenchymal stem cells in vitro}, year={2015}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Carovigno (I); 23.-28.08.2015}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Charyeva, O.; Feyerabend, F.; Willumeit, R.; Szakacs, G.; Cecchinato, F.; Agha, N.; Hort, N.; Wennerberg, A.; Dakischew, O.; Heiss, C.; Schnettler, R.; Lips, K.: Resorption of magnesium materials and its effect on human mesenchymal stem cells in vitro. 7th BIOMETAL, Symposium on Biodegradable Metals for Biomedical Applications. Carovigno (I), 2015.}}