@misc{katsarou_magnesium_alloy_2015, author={Katsarou, L.,Mounib, M.,Lefebvre, W.,Dieringa, H.}, title={Magnesium Alloy Elektron21 Reinforced with ALN: Processing, Microstructure and Compression Creep Response}, year={2015}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Kopenhagen (DK); 19.-24.07.2015}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Katsarou, L.; Mounib, M.; Lefebvre, W.; Dieringa, H.: Magnesium Alloy Elektron21 Reinforced with ALN: Processing, Microstructure and Compression Creep Response. 20th International Conference on Composite Materials, ICCM 20. Kopenhagen (DK), 2015.}}