@misc{evadzi_impact_of_2015, author={Evadzi, P.,Huenicke, B.,Zorita, E.}, title={Impact of large-scale climate patterns on sea-level variability in the Gulf of Guinea with focus on Ghana}, year={2015}, howpublished = {conference object: Palma de Mallorca (E); 10.-12.06.2015}, abstract = {The analysis of sea-level variability along West Africa has been hampered by the limited length and,quality of tide-gauge records. Ghana is the only country along the West African coast with relatively,long sea-level records available.,In this study we aim on characterizing the large-scale climate forcing that drive mean sea-level,variability at and off the coast of Ghana and study its decadal variability and long-term trends in the,observational period.,For this purpose, available sea-level information (referred from tide gauges, satellite altimetry,,gridded reconstructions and ocean model simulations) will be statistically analyzed together with,meteorological data from reanalysis products and climate model simulations. The main large-scale,climate factors driving regional mean sea level at these timescales will be identified and quantified.}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Evadzi, P.; Huenicke, B.; Zorita, E.: Impact of large-scale climate patterns on sea-level variability in the Gulf of Guinea with focus on Ghana. Book of Abstracts, Workshop Global and Regional Sea Level Variability and Change. Palma de Mallorca (E), 2015.}}