@misc{viotti_measurement_of_2013, author={Viotti, M.R.,Albertazzi, A.,Staron, P.,Pisa, M.}, title={Measurement of residual stress fields in FHPP welding: a comparison between DSPI combined with hole-drilling and neutron diffraction}, year={2013}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Muenchen (D); 13.-16.05.2013}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Viotti, M.; Albertazzi, A.; Staron, P.; Pisa, M.: Measurement of residual stress fields in FHPP welding: a comparison between DSPI combined with hole-drilling and neutron diffraction. Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection VIII. Muenchen (D), 2013.}}