@misc{alexopoulos_towards_integral_2014, author={Alexopoulos, N.D.,Zeimpekis, V.S.,Velonaki, Z.,Gialos, A.,Macheridou, S.,Kashaev, N.,Enz, J.,Riekehr, S.,Karanika, A.,Marioli-Riga, Z.}, title={Towards integral aeronautical laser beam welded structures from innovative Al-Li aluminium alloys; The trade-offs between manufacturing costs and the environmental footprint}, year={2014}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Brussels (B); 12.-14.03.2014}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Alexopoulos, N.; Zeimpekis, V.; Velonaki, Z.; Gialos, A.; Macheridou, S.; Kashaev, N.; Enz, J.; Riekehr, S.; Karanika, A.; Marioli-Riga, Z.: Towards integral aeronautical laser beam welded structures from innovative Al-Li aluminium alloys; The trade-offs between manufacturing costs and the environmental footprint. Greener Aviation 2014. Brussels (B), 2014.}}