@misc{abetz_formation_of_2014, author={Abetz, V.,Rangou, S.,Buhr, K.,Radjabian, M.,Koll, J.,Hahn, J.,Clodt, J.,Filiz, V.,Abetz, C.,Handge, U.A.,Vainio, U.}, title={Formation of Isoporous Block Copolymer Membranes in Flat and Hollow Fibre Geometries}, year={2014}, howpublished = {conference lecture (invited): San Francisco, CA (USA); 10.-14.08.2014}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Abetz, V.; Rangou, S.; Buhr, K.; Radjabian, M.; Koll, J.; Hahn, J.; Clodt, J.; Filiz, V.; Abetz, C.; Handge, U.; Vainio, U.: Formation of Isoporous Block Copolymer Membranes in Flat and Hollow Fibre Geometries. 248th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Chemistry and Global Stewardship. San Francisco, CA (USA), 2014.}}