@misc{hauschildt_diffusion_brazing_2012, author={Hauschildt, K.,Stark, A.,Lorenz, U.,Schell, N.,Fischer, T.,Blankenburg, M.,Mueller, M.,Pyczak, F.}, title={Diffusion brazing of Gamma-TiAl-alloys: Investigations of the joint by electron microscopy and high-energy X-ray diffraction}, year={2012}, howpublished = {conference poster: Boston, MA (USA); 25.-30.11.2012}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Hauschildt, K.; Stark, A.; Lorenz, U.; Schell, N.; Fischer, T.; Blankenburg, M.; Mueller, M.; Pyczak, F.: Diffusion brazing of Gamma-TiAl-alloys: Investigations of the joint by electron microscopy and high-energy X-ray diffraction. In: MRS Fall Meeting 2012, Symposium JJ. Boston, MA (USA). 2012.}}