@misc{gabrisch_crystallographic_modulation_2013, author={Gabrisch, H.,Lorenz, U.,Pyczak, F.,Rackel, M.,Schell, N.,Schimansky, F.-P.,Schreyer, A.,Stark, A.}, title={Crystallographic modulation of B19 and alpha2 phases in gamma-TiAlX alloys (X=Nb, Mo, B, C)}, year={2013}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Kloster Banz (D); 30.09.-04.10.2013}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Gabrisch, H.; Lorenz, U.; Pyczak, F.; Rackel, M.; Schell, N.; Schimansky, F.; Schreyer, A.; Stark, A.: Crystallographic modulation of B19 and alpha2 phases in gamma-TiAlX alloys (X=Nb, Mo, B, C). Intermetallics 2013. Kloster Banz (D), 2013.}}