@misc{paul_embrittlement_of_2013, author={Paul, J.,Pyczak, F.,Schimansky, F.-P.,Bleicher, F.,Geiger, G.,Bortolotto, L.,Schuetze, M.,Kolitsch, A.,Yankov, R.,Masset, P.,Wolf, G.,Rafaja, D.,Pelic, B.,Cecile, L.,Schumacher, P.}, title={Embrittlement of TiAl after high temperature exposure}, year={2013}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Toulouse (F); 11.-14.06.2013}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Paul, J.; Pyczak, F.; Schimansky, F.; Bleicher, F.; Geiger, G.; Bortolotto, L.; Schuetze, M.; Kolitsch, A.; Yankov, R.; Masset, P.; Wolf, G.; Rafaja, D.; Pelic, B.; Cecile, L.; Schumacher, P.: Embrittlement of TiAl after high temperature exposure. International Workshop on Gamma Alloy Technology, GAT 2013. Toulouse (F), 2013.}}