@misc{abetz_selfassembled_integral_2012, author={Abetz, V.,Filiz, V.,Rangou, S.,Abetz, C.,Jung, A.,Buhr, K.}, title={Self–assembled Integral Asymmetric Block Copolymer Membranes: Structure Formation and Properties}, year={2012}, howpublished = {conference lecture: London (GB); 23.-27.09.2012}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Abetz, V.; Filiz, V.; Rangou, S.; Abetz, C.; Jung, A.; Buhr, K.: Self–assembled Integral Asymmetric Block Copolymer Membranes: Structure Formation and Properties. Euromembrane 2012. London (GB), 2012.}}