@misc{victoriahernandez_low_temperature_2012, author={Victoria-Hernandez, J.,Hernandez-Silva, D.,Bohlen, J.,Yi, S.,Letzig, D.}, title={Low temperature superplasticity of hydrostatically extruded Mg-Al-Zn alloys}, year={2012}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Albi (F); 03.-05.07.2012}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Victoria-Hernandez, J.; Hernandez-Silva, D.; Bohlen, J.; Yi, S.; Letzig, D.: Low temperature superplasticity of hydrostatically extruded Mg-Al-Zn alloys. 11th International Conference on Superplasticity in Advanced Materials, ICSAM 2012. Albi (F), 2012.}}