@misc{brunke_trend_and_2012, author={Brunke, E.-G.,Ebinghaus, R.,Kock, H.H.,Weigelt, A.,Labuschagne, C.,Slemr, F.}, title={Trend and seasonal variation of atmospheric mercury concentrations at the Cape Point GAW observatory, South Africa}, year={2012}, howpublished = {conference poster: Rom (I); 22.-27.09.2012}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Brunke, E.; Ebinghaus, R.; Kock, H.; Weigelt, A.; Labuschagne, C.; Slemr, F.: Trend and seasonal variation of atmospheric mercury concentrations at the Cape Point GAW observatory, South Africa. In: 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2012. Rom (I). 2012.}}