@misc{dharmendra_texture_evolution_2012, author={Dharmendra, C.,Rao, K.P.,Prasad, Y.V.R.K.,Hort, N.,Kainer, K.U.}, title={Texture Evolution During Hot Deformation Processing of Mg-3sn-2ca-0.4Al Alloy}, year={2012}, howpublished = {conference paper: Orlando, FL (USA); 11.-15.03.2012}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Dharmendra, C.; Rao, K.; Prasad, Y.; Hort, N.; Kainer, K.: Texture Evolution During Hot Deformation Processing of Mg-3sn-2ca-0.4Al Alloy. In: Mathaudhu, S.; Sillekens, W.; Neelameggham, N.; Hort, N. (Ed.): Magnesium Technology 2012, TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Symposium. Orlando, FL (USA). Wiley & Sons. 2012. 295-300.}}