@misc{handge_rheological_properties_2011, author={Handge, U.A.,Zeiler, R.,Dijkstra, D.-J.,Meyer, H.,Altstaedt, V.}, title={Rheological properties of composites of polycarbonate and CNT: Influence of agglomeration on elastic and electrical properties}, year={2011}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Dautphetal (D); 03.-04.11.2011}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Handge, U.; Zeiler, R.; Dijkstra, D.; Meyer, H.; Altstaedt, V.: Rheological properties of composites of polycarbonate and CNT: Influence of agglomeration on elastic and electrical properties. Gefuege und Eigenschaften von Polymerwerkstoffen, DGM-Fachausschuss. Dautphetal (D), 2011.}}