@misc{ho_cclmtrimnpcice_a_2012, author={Ho, H.,Rockel, B.,Kapitza, H.,Valcke, S.}, title={CCLM-TRIM-NP-CICE a regional coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea-ice model for climate simulations over the North- and Baltic Sea}, year={2012}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Lueneburg (D); 19.-21.03.2012}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Ho, H.; Rockel, B.; Kapitza, H.; Valcke, S.: CCLM-TRIM-NP-CICE a regional coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea-ice model for climate simulations over the North- and Baltic Sea. REKLIM Workshop. Lueneburg (D), 2012.}}