@misc{gutierrezhernandez_blends_containing_2011, author={Gutierrez Hernandez, M.del C.,Fritsch, D.,Pauls, J.-R.}, title={Blends containing Pebax® 1657 and Polyactive™ with morpholine based polymers for gas separation}, year={2011}, howpublished = {conference poster: Smardzewice (PL); 11.-15.09.2011}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Gutierrez Hernandez, M.; Fritsch, D.; Pauls, J.: Blends containing Pebax® 1657 and Polyactive™ with morpholine based polymers for gas separation. In: 28th European Membrane Summer School. Smardzewice (PL). 2011.}}