@misc{schneider_interaction_of_2011, author={Schneider, T.,Kohl, B.,Sauter, T.,Becker, T.,Kratz, K.,Schossig, M.,Jung, F.,Lendlein, A.,Ertel, W.,Schulze-Tanzil, G.}, title={Interaction of chondrocytes with electrospun polymer scaffolds depending on the fibre orientation}, year={2011}, howpublished = {conference poster: Porto (P); 09.-12.10.2011}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Schneider, T.; Kohl, B.; Sauter, T.; Becker, T.; Kratz, K.; Schossig, M.; Jung, F.; Lendlein, A.; Ertel, W.; Schulze-Tanzil, G.: Interaction of chondrocytes with electrospun polymer scaffolds depending on the fibre orientation. In: 38th Congress of the European Society for Artificial Organs, ESAO 2011. Porto (P). 2011.}}