@misc{liu_multiagent_negotiation_2005, author={Liu, X.,Wirtz, K.W.}, title={Multi-agent negotiation in the Prestige oil spill response scenario: a conflict resolution mechanism design and simulations}, year={2005}, howpublished = {journal article}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.2495/CE050101}, abstract = {Contingency management facing an imminent oil spill is often a difficult task as the long-term consequences of decisions generally affect the interests of different stakeholder groups - including the broad public.,We suggest here that a balanced response scheme can be achieved by integrating various interests within a vir-tual negotiation process.,This paper designs a hybrid negotiation protocol where multiple issues including money compensation are traded by parties.,Aiming to examine appropriate designs of this process in multi-agent systems, we simulate negotiations based on the Prestige oil spill response scenario.,Experiment results show that this designed protocol may work as a robust conflict resolution mech-anism for deriving a multi-agent consensus.,Finally, by comparing two different rational strategies taken by agents, we add support to the view that learning tech-niques help agents to improve their payoffs in negotiations.}, note = {Online available at: \url{https://doi.org/10.2495/CE050101} (DOI). Liu, X.; Wirtz, K.: Multi-agent negotiation in the Prestige oil spill response scenario: a conflict resolution mechanism design and simulations. WIT Transactions on the Built Environment. 2005. vol. 78, 113-122. DOI: 10.2495/CE050101}}