@misc{schmoelzer_dynamic_recovery_2010, author={Schmoelzer, T.,Liss, K.-D.,Rester, M.,Yan, K.,Stark, A.,Wallgram, W.,Reid, M.,Peel, M.,Dippenaar, R.,Clemens, H.}, title={Dynamic recovery and recrystallization of a multi-phase TiAl alloy during thermomechanical processing}, year={2010}, howpublished = {conference lecture: Sheffield (GB); 04.-09.07.2010}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Schmoelzer, T.; Liss, K.; Rester, M.; Yan, K.; Stark, A.; Wallgram, W.; Reid, M.; Peel, M.; Dippenaar, R.; Clemens, H.: Dynamic recovery and recrystallization of a multi-phase TiAl alloy during thermomechanical processing. 4th International Conference on Recrystallization and Grain Growth, ReX & GG IV 2010. Sheffield (GB), 2010.}}