@misc{brandt_novel_hierarchical_2010, author={Brandt, K.,Filiz, V.,Abetz, V.,Salikov, V.,Wolf, M.,Antonyuk, S.,Prado, L.A.S.A.,Schulte, K.,Heinrich, S.,Schneider, G.A.}, title={Novel hierarchical ceramic-polymer composites with small amounts of polymers}, year={2010}, howpublished = {conference poster: Darmstadt (D); 24.-26.08.2010}, note = {Online available at: \url{} (DOI). Brandt, K.; Filiz, V.; Abetz, V.; Salikov, V.; Wolf, M.; Antonyuk, S.; Prado, L.; Schulte, K.; Heinrich, S.; Schneider, G.: Novel hierarchical ceramic-polymer composites with small amounts of polymers. In: Materials Science and Engineering, MSE 2010. Darmstadt (D). 2010.}}